Our Vision
At Binova we come from a diverse, yet entrepreneurial backgrounds. From the moment the concept scratched on the back of a napkin and Binova was formed in 2017, – we have been driven and united by a single passion: the solid waste industry is desperate for leadership, technology, and above all – new innovation.
Binova is a company of firsts…the first ever self-latching automatic dumpster lock; the first ever subsurface waste containment system collected with a standard garbage truck in America, the first urban waste-consolidation program, the first sanitation sprayer system designed specifically for solid waste and urban spaces, the first truly-safe disinfectant for public spaces, and so much more.
Our Mission is simple, yet powerful…We Will Transform The Way The World Handles Waste. It is constantly at the forefront of our minds, what we think about when we sleep, what we dream about in our spare time, what we build when creative juices are flowing, what we fantasize in strategy sessions, and most importantly….what we all believe will change the world.

Corporate Foundation
Binova will transform the way the world handles waste.
Company mission.
At Binova, we are innovating the disposal industry. We are problem solvers and help manage waste in a safer, cleaner and more attractive way.
Pursue Real Problems: Find a way to change the world.
Create Something Better: Relentless innovation is key.
Do It Right Always: Integrity is in our DNA.
Our Roots
Our story, like so many others, begins with humble roots and a visionary named Joe Kreitzer… a man that believed that the dumpster industry needed real change.
In 2010, Mr. Kreitzer built and patented the first-ever self-latching automatic dumpster lock, selling them to forward-thinking haulers across the Southeast. Mean, rugged, and protective, this early forerunner would ultimately become known as the PitBUL Lock. As our first Binova innovation, it soon become the industry standard for dumpster protection.
Beginning with the PitBUL, Binova has grown and evolved rapidly. The more we learn, the more we realize that the industry has stagnated for over seven decades and needs to come into the new, digital age. In 2019, Binova launched the EnviroBIN Subsurface Waste Container – a smart, attractive, and far more sanitary solution to the traditional steel box dumpster. Today, it remains our flagship product, but is complemented by almost a dozen new innovations, some recently introduced, and many still in development.
As solid waste becomes a bigger challenge on planet Earth, Binova is rising to meet that challenge. Join us as we pursue our mission to help manage waste in a safer, cleaner, and more attractive way.
Our Team
Meet the team that lives every day working to improve how you handle, recycle, contain, re-use, and dispose of waste… at your service! Every one of our team knows we have the power to change the world, to improve the lives of persons globally, and to make a profound impact on the 2 billion tons of waste that the human race generates annually.

A Knoxville native, Greg’s roots started in mechanical engineering, then branched into hydroponics, a revolutionary plant technology. Greg is a sales guy at heart, but is often the driver behind a new opportunity that takes some elbow grease to prototype. When he is not spending time with his wife and five kids, you will find him kayaking and hiking close by.

Steve Truan
Director Of Channel Sales
A Tennessee native, Steve started selling door to door at 5 years old. Since then, he has directed marketing in publishing, packaging, and fire safety companies, and today at Binova. Traveling and house remodeling spell relaxation for this guy.

A longtime resident of the Beehive State, Terry stays busy helping architects and designers discover a new world in solid waste. An avid traveler, Terry has set foot in all 50 states, but loves his home in Salt Lake City the best. When he’s not in the field, you might catch Terry fishing, playing racquetball, or enjoying life with his wife of 45 years and 15 grandchildren!

Mark Wincent
Outside Sales Representative
While Mark calls the great state of Texas home today, he started his career in New York City with some of the largest architecture and engineering firms globally. The core of his career was spent in the environmental industry, which allowed Mark to travel and live overseas. His major passion is helping to develop new construction technologies, one of the reasons he joined the Binova team. His second heartthrob is sailing…Mark has been an avid sailor for over 40 years, and is currently doing a loving restoration on an 1958 classic sailboat.

Joseph Kreitzer
Research & Product Development
If innovation were like cooking, Joe would always be in the kitchen. As tinkerer-in-chief at Binova, Joe is responsible for much of the new IP and product development. Over 30 years in the solid waste industry have given Joe a unique ability to sniff out a problem that needs solving. And if he isn’t here, check the nearest lake for a friendly fisherman.

Known as the Binova Boss – Kami keeps the company running smoothly, and provides support to the marketing, finance, client care, and sales teams. A photographer, and an accomplished cook, Kami uses her creativity to get it all done…quickly, efficiently, and flawlessly. She loves her job, and Binova, as the (sometimes) 16-hour days have given her an amazing opportunity.

Born minutes from the beaches of L.A., Judy loves sun, salt water, and Sauvignon Blanc…well, actually any good wine, honestly. She has worked in the cleaning chemical and structural fastener industries, but her current passion is hearing the “aha” moment that clients get when they understand how our products work. Judy travels, internationally, every darn chance she gets.

Sean Bower
Sean’s passion for the solid waste industry are the unlimited opportunities to do good and shaking up the status quo. Canadian by birth, cattleman by choice, and a pioneer in the plastics and packaging industry, he is also a highly accomplished horseman.

Rob Smith
Building houses at 17 years old, and now growing three companies, Rob has a vast amount of experience in energy-efficient construction, and today throws his skillset into solving waste. Oh, and he constructs outdoor pizza ovens in his spare time.

Tyler Smith
For his mid-20’s, Tyler already has loads of experience in both the equipment and construction industry. As Chief New Idea Officer, Tyler is a low profile, high-energy dynamo, and loves the “make it happen” passion at Binova. He enjoys really good IPA beer, and spending time with Leighton, his adorable baby boy, in those rare times when he can relax.
Recent news

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