Helping The A&D Community Innovate Waste
Our products are helping the entire A&D Community solve solid waste containment for the better, every day and in every way. Easier site planning, more space for parking, and utilization of unused areas are only a few of the benefits. The EnviroBIN Subsurface Waste Container and the EnviroBIN Metro have changed how architects think about, plan for, and ultimately execute solid waste solutions for their clients.

Get access to EnviroBIN CAD models and drawings, available in different formats for architects, engineers & designers.

Municipal Advocacy
Helping Cities & Towns Innovate Waste
Cities have been covering up their waste containment problems for years, using enclosures, covering, fences, and gates to hide and confine the dirtiest part of any property…the solid waste area. That is changing. As part of our support structure for architects, contractors, and end-users, we offer a strong Municipal Advocacy program.
Binova works on your behalf with city planners and codes personnel to advocate for much better and cost-effective waste solutions.
In addition to company-specific learning sessions, we also offer regular Webinars, for smaller firms, freelancers, or anyone who may have missed a dedicated session. Register for our AIA-Accredited EnviroBIN Courses below!